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RAPOO 5G 鋼薄 Touch多媒體鍵鼠套裝 C-RP-8900P-B

價 格:
1個起@ $508.00/個
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 5G Ultra-Slim Touch Desktop - BLK

5G 鋼薄 Touch多媒體鍵鼠套裝


- 不銹鋼刀鋒4mm超薄設計,時尚簡約
- X- Chocolate 按鍵結構,回彈力均勻,手感舒適
- 智慧型輕觸式多媒體快捷鍵,操控隨心所欲

- 獨有 5GHz 無線技術,穩定暢順防干擾
- Laser 800 / 1600 CPI,滑鼠速度可切換
- 4D擺動滑輪,四個方向滾動及作按鍵使用
- 單/雙電池均能操作,輕、重手感隨意選擇
- 特大尺碼能完全承托手掌重力,握感實在,
- 首創放大縮小推拉鍵,能即時放大或縮小鼠標所在
- 11個自定義按鍵,功能更貼合您個人所需
- 電池續航力達12個月
- 極迷你Nano接收器﹐一插即忘﹐省卻丟失的煩惱
- 無須對碼及安裝﹐隨插即用
- Window XP/Vista/Win7

- Stainless steel plate with slim and stylish design, the thinnest edge is 4mm only
- X-Chocolate key system, a perfect touch and reactions
- Smart-touch multimedia function keys on top

- Reliable 5GHz wireless transmission far away from the interference of 2.4GHz wireless, bluetooth and WIFI device
- Adjustable high-definition laser engine between 800 and 1600 CPI
- 4D Scroll wheel, scroll up / down, scroll side to side, and also as a button
- Operate with single or double battery
- Ergonomics full-size design enhanced grip comfort
- Originate Zoom in & out button, zoom in or out where the cursor was located (work with WIN 7 or above)
- Advanced programmable-buttons to set a hotkey for "progress" keys & button macros
- Power Saving Technology, 2 batteries life up to 12 MONTHS
- Nano Receiver-In-Mouse design for convenient carrying
- Fully plug and play
- Support Window XP/Vista/Win7